Monday, January 30, 2006

spring nearing

the current forecast:
rampant skipping and gleeful vaults from front porch steps
leading to unabashed running along damp sidewalk squares.

anon, the mincing gait of slip-sobered winter is being shuttled;
we make eyes at each other and kick like frisking colts.

currently spinning:
built to spill ~ keep it like a secret

Sunday, January 29, 2006


they may be velour
but honey,
they're still sweat pants.

currently spinning:
the mountain goats ~ nothing for juice

Friday, January 27, 2006


Sometimes I miss the cadence of academia
(the seasons neatly severed into quarters, semesters, breaks)
But then my student loan payment comes due.

Currently spinning:
Camera Obscura ~ Underachievers, Please Try Harder

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Monday, January 23, 2006

call / response

and some nights there was nothing so lovely
as hearing you softly call,
come, let's to bed

introductions prompting endless amusement
at all the meaning
captured in the measure
of a breath

and the stories
and the adventures
(oh, the adventures.)

as autumn fell to taciturn winter
we found it preferable to gaze upon nailbed, palm and shoelace
to avoid entering into that dialogue
thick with definitions, semantics
(and clarity)

until the silence
became an answer
in itself.

Currently spinning:
Broken Social Scene ~ You Forgot it in People

Sunday, January 22, 2006


Currently spinning:
Boards of Canada ~ The Campfire Headphase

Thursday, January 19, 2006

thoughts on a thursday morning jaunt to the coffee shop

dear birds,
it is entirely too early for you to be chirping so.
you are bound to end up cold, disappointed.

Currently spinning:
r a n d o m r u l e s :

harvey danger / the softies / the decemberists

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

passing afternoon

Currently spinning:
Iron + Wine ~ Our Endless Numbered Days

Sunday, January 15, 2006

supper or dinner?

i dreamed i was a food critic
seated at some northwestern lodge
and the proprietor was telling me about all the fabulous ways
they prepare fresh-caught wild salmon
and the fire was crackling
and my head was spinning with the choices
and i woke with the fear
that i just might be turning into a foodie.

Currently spinning
hem ~ rabbit songs